Our Vision:

"To create a purposeful educational environment where children of all abilities can learn and thrive"



History will help children gain knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and the wider world. The teaching of History should inspire and equip pupils to ask questions, think critically and develop a perspective about the past. History should help pupils understand the complexity of people's lives, the process of change, the diversity of society and relationships between different groups, as well as their identity and challenges of their time.

Through the study of History at North View Academy we aim to give our children:

  • Curiosity, interest and respect for the past.
  • An understanding of how this past affects the present.
  • An understanding and knowledge of local history so that they feel a pride in the past and responsibility for the future.
  • Knowledge of, and at least one in depth study of different periods in history.
  • Good historical skills such as researching, analysing, interpreting, presenting and working both co-operatively and independently.