Our Vision:

"To create a purposeful educational environment where children of all abilities can learn and thrive"

School Meals


The current price of a school meal is £2.00 per day.


Payment is made weekly on a Monday, cash or cheques should be brought into school in a sealed envelope and labelled with the child's name, class and the amount contained.


If you wish for your child to change from school dinners to packed lunches (or vice versa) please contact the school office.


For more information contact Louise Shields on 0191 7070122 or email louise.shields@wiseacademies.co.uk


A free school meal application can be found here


North View School Dinner Menu 2016 - 2017

North View School Dinner Menu 2017 - 2018

North View School Dinner Menu 2018 - 2019


Any pupil requiring a special dietary provision that isn’t already in place for them, will need to provide a letter from the City Hospital or G.P requesting this diet before we can start providing meals for them. To guarantee that we can provide for them from the start of September it is advisable that they send the letter before the end of this term.


Children are allowed to eat fresh fruit or vegetables during mid morning break.