Our Vision:

"To create a purposeful educational environment where children of all abilities can learn and thrive"



You’ve probably heard of the term ‘grooming’ before. In essence, this is a process used by people with a sexual interest in children to attempt to engage them in sexual acts either over the internet or in person.

Sadly, these people do attempt to make contact with children over the internet; this may be in social networking sites, chatrooms or games. They could be by pretending to be someone else, or showing an interest in them.

It is important that children understand that people like this exist and that they should never do anything online or offline that they are uncomfortable with.

Grooming is a process of manipulating a child to gain control over them; as a parent or carer you should be approachable so that if your child is concerned about something, they know they can talk to you.


If you are concerned about someone’s behaviour towards your child, you can report this directly to CEOP.


Young people can report directly to CEOP; however, we strongly encourage children under the age of 11 to speak to an adult they trust if they come across anything that makes them feel uncomfortable – the adult should then report to CEOP or in an emergency, dial 999.


Click here for tips on how to talk to your child about grooming


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